The Impact of Social Media on Reproductive Health Knowledge Among Gen Z


  • alia badrun universitas borneo tarakan
  • Rikha Putri Nabila Universitas Borneo Tarakan
  • Desy Hermayanti Universitas Borneo Tarakan



Early Marriage, Generation Z, Out-Of-Wedlock Pregnancy, Reproductive Health, Risky Sexual Behavior, Social Media


Social media plays a significant role in the lives of Generation Z, especially in influencing
knowledge and behavior related to reproductive health. This study aims to describe the impact of
social media on reproductive health among generation Z, including the issue of early marriage,
risky sexual behavior, and pregnancy outside of marriage. The results showed that free access to
pornographic content and lack of reproductive health education are the main factors that
encourage these negative behaviors. Early marriage risks causing health complications such as
LBW, anemia, and hypertension, while risky sexual behavior increases the rate of sexually
transmitted infections (STIs). In addition, pregnancy outside of marriage often occurs due to low
knowledge of reproductive health and weak parental supervision. Prevention efforts involve the
active role of the government, parents, and proper education to build a good understanding of
reproductive health. Thus, controlling the use of social media and increasing reproductive health
literacy are important solutions to overcome this problem among Generation Z.


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How to Cite

badrun, alia, Rikha Putri Nabila, & Desy Hermayanti. (2024). The Impact of Social Media on Reproductive Health Knowledge Among Gen Z. Journal of Global Research in Public Health, 9(2), 135–140.


